Sunday Dinners: Tahitian Pork Chops from Aunt Mish

Sunday Dinners: Tahitian Pork Chops from Aunt Mish

Aunt Mish, our loyal source of my favorite Sunday Dinners, is currently living through a home rennovation project and is re-doing her kitchen. Luckily for us, this means she's getting back to a "simple cooking" phase, and sent this recipe along with the insight "If I learned anything from these 3 months of living without a “real” kitchen, it is that the recipes for students or people living in a small apartment are different than the ones I cook for myself – I am now proficient at cooking things that require only a single pan (or a skillet and another one for baking) and don’t have too many ingredients."

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Choosing a College: Gut Feelings and Pro/Con Lists

Choosing a College: Gut Feelings and Pro/Con Lists

This decision really could be the most important one you have ever made. That being said, I am also of the opinion that most people can thrive at a whole range of colleges. I think you can happily settle into many different environments, pick from a variety of majors, and develop an active and satisfying undergraduate college experience.

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Sunday Dinners: Taco Salad by Aunt Mish

Sunday Dinners: Taco Salad by Aunt Mish

Today's comfort food is as "comfort" as it gets. This recipe comes from my Aunt Mish's set of recipes that launched my college career, along with the other standbys of meatloafchicken with zucchini, and beef stroganoff with buttered noodles (among others).

This is one of those really simple meals that almost anyone would enjoy, and which can be endlessly adapted according to taste. Enjoy!

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A Student Travel Mentality

A Student Travel Mentality

An important first step to any travel experience is to find out what you like while traveling. Not everyone likes the same things when they travel. Some people travel for beaches. Others for parties. Others (although it’s hard for me to believe) actually travel for shopping. Some, who I admire but can’t quite work up the chutzpah to emulate, travel for extreme outdoor adventures and wild feats of cliff diving/mountaineering/rafting/caving, etc.


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