College Logistics: How Do I...

College Logistics: How Do I...

At every stage in the college journey, there is a plethora of shifting logistical and practical questions. Early college questions (How do I register for classes? How do I use the gym? How do I use the online homework website?) give way to mid-college questions (How do I prepare to go abroad? How do I decide if this is the right major for me? How do I move off-campus and deal with all the accompanying real-life logistics?) and finally to the questions that plague soon-to-be graduates (How do I turn in my thesis? How do I get transcripts? How am I going to make it in the real world…)

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The Theory of Office Staff

The Theory of Office Staff

The office staff at your university can make an enormous difference in your college years. Get to know them. Talk to the person at the front desk for your department, and your dorms, and the library, and the scheduling office. When you get emails from the same name again and again, go ahead and follow that email to the source and get to know the face behind the inbox.

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