When you can't finish the reading

When you can't finish the reading

Coursework in college demands an enormous amount of reading. Almost regardless of your major, you will be expected to read and comprehend substantial piles of information, articles, books, essays, reports, research, interviews, and novels. There were times when my reading load seemed completely impossible—sometimes hundreds of pages of complicated reading assigned per class, per week.

You can’t do it all. But you can make it seem like you did.

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Study strategies: the Study Buddy

Study strategies: the Study Buddy

Working with a study buddy revolutionized my ability to get things done in college. There’s an element of collaboration which is helpful, and also the social pressure to actually get work done, since your friend is there and also working away. When working with a friend I am more inspired and more creative, less grumpy or put-upon, and more willing to just put my head down and work away, since I know a break was coming.

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